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Simplify your e-commerce shopping experience and make it impressive.

With our Visual Search and Product Recommendations plugin, you can show more personalized results in user searches and increase your conversion rate.

Drive more sales and engagement

More than any other new technology, Millennial and Gen-Z consumers want Visual Search features when navigating e-commerce websites.

Increase Sales
+ 0 %

According to Forbes, brands implementing Visual Search will increase digital transactional revenue by 30 percent.

Searches using images
0 %

Image search accounts for 12.4% of total searches on Google. However, only some e-commerce companies have implemented this functionality.

Website Engagement
+ 0 %

Business Wire revealed that 62% of Gen-Z and Millenial users prefer to use Visual Search for product search.

Camera is the new keyboard

Your users can easily find any product on your website by simply snapping a photo.

AI Search Bar

Unlock the full potential of your e-commerce store with our state-of-the-art AI-powered Semantic Textual Search.

Give the right product to the right customer at the right time

With Product Recommendations, your website can suggest to every user a different subset of items, increasing revenues and engagement.

Software Integrations

Our recommendation engine is easily integrated with popular e-commerce content management system. The plugin is available for Shopify, WordPress/WooCommerce, Prestashop, Magento.
Use our API integration for other platforms or custom websites.

Advanced Analytics